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The Innovation Imperative: Where the arts, business, education and community come together

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Creativity Challenge 2015 - The Innovation Imperative: Where the arts, business, education and community come together with Bob Eckert

This year in April the TLC Educational Trust hosted a Creativity Challenge. The theme of the conference was 'Crossing Boundaries'. It attracted a wealth of national and international speakers - the movers and shakers of creativity. Each speaker generously shared their own unique insights and perspectives. We recorded these talks so that we could share them with our students, friends, stakeholders and anyone else interested in the subject of creativity. 

About Bob Eckert:
Bob Eckert is the CEO of New & Improved, a globally respected creativity and innovation consultancy. He is the author of numerous books and articles focused on the human and organisational dynamics of building sustained innovation cultures. Bob is a recipient of the “Distinguished Leader Award” given by the world’s largest organisation of creativity professionals, the Creative Education Foundation. He lives in the Adirondack Mountains where he also operates a tree farm and leads a local Boy Scout Troop.

Bob Eckert from The Learning Connexion on Vimeo.

About the talk:
Driven by commercial pressures to constantly innovate, our global culture stands at the brink of an incredible moment of change. Some will be afraid to step over the edge for fear of falling; others will take the risk and find they can fly. We can help people jump off to a positive future by crafting the right message of benefit. Let’s get that message right!

About the Creativity Challenge Talks:
We will upload one Creativity Challenge video each week.

Watch them on our Vimeo channel here.

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