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Creativity - Imagine - Native - Indigenous - Insights

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Creativity Challenge 2015 

Creativity - Imagine - Native - Indigenous - insights.

This year in April the TLC Educational Trust hosted a Creativity Challenge. The theme of the conference was 'Crossing Boundaries'. It attracted a wealth of national and international speakers - the movers and shakers of creativity. Each speaker generously shared their own unique insights and perspectives. 

We recorded these talks so that we could share them with our students, friends, stakeholders and anyone else interested in the subject of creativity.

About Trevor Moeke:

A weaver of people and narrative, Trevor Moeke effects positive change in everything he does. Visionary, globally connected and engaged, Trevor has unique insight into indigenous potential and how it can be harvested for positive global change.

Creativity Challenge 2015 - Trevor Moeke - Creativity - Imagine - Native - Indigenous - insights from The Learning Connexion on Vimeo.

About Trevor's Talk:

Taking a collection of the disparate and bringing a cogency in thought design in action... Maori dynamics in play...

“OUR PLACE – OUR STORIES – OUR TIME” - thoughts from an East Coast North Island Aotearoa New Zealand South Pacific Ocean “bootcamp” view...

About the Creativity Challenge Talks:

We will upload one Creativity Challenge video each week. 

Watch them on our Vimeo channel here.

What did you think of Trevor's talk? Let us know by leaving a comment!


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