We talked to New Zealand Diploma in Creativity (Level 5) student Sandy Connon about how The Learning Connexion has expanded her creativity, and the Art Collective she is a part of - The See Here.
Hi Sandy – how do you express your creativity?
I’m a portrait photographer with a passion for film and old plastic 120 cameras that leak light and distort the image in random ways. Composition has always been something I have found easy.
But I have wide and varied interests: I love to paint, I love to stitch little dolls from doilies and scraps of cloth, I love printmaking and working with re-imagining illustrations from old reference books. I am new to calling myself an Artist, I am a maker. I make useful vessels to eat and drink from that are lovely to hold, I collect smoothed plastic from the beach and assembled display it.
What brought you to The Learning Connexion?
My son had recently left home and my photography business is flexible so I started coming out to do a casual class - Advanced Ceramic with Mel Ford. I just loved what I was making in those classes and I was so inspired by what others in the class were making as well. After two terms I then decided to come part-time in a New Zealand Diploma in Creativity (Level 5).
Are you glad you made the decision to study here?
I am so happy about coming to TLC, the tutors are excellent. I have found them to be supportive, encouraging and generous. I was worried that I would run out of ideas, now I am worried that I will not get to them all in time! TLC is a community of creatives, some just starting their journey, others well established, but I have found everyone to be so friendly and helpful.
Where do you draw your inspiration from?
When I am looking for inspiration I often go for a bike ride, or a walk on the beach and let my mind wander. I want to make work that speaks to the mess our planet is in, I want to prod people into noticing what is happening. I use a lot of found objects and have an addiction for Opshops.
Tell us about the Art Collective you are involved in?
I am a member of The See Here, a Gallery in Wellington. The See Here is a white rectangular box nearly three meters high, that has been constructed to accommodate exhibitions that can only be viewed from the street. We are a collective of 12 women dedicated to producing work that engages with its physical parameters as a window gallery, and extends understandings of materials and their relationship to the body and/or space. Our work is experimental and explorative.
View Sandy's Photography work here.
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