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Slow Clay - Sculptures and Bowls | Term Two, 2024

Build simple, sculptural forms and bowls with a focus on the hand-building technique of coiling. Learn how to refine your pieces to create continuous curves and sharp shadows to accentuate the shapes.
Suitable for beginners and those with some previous knowledge of clay who are keen on extending their ceramic practice.


* Introductions and best practice guidelines
* A look at some ceramic artists working with this technique
* Tutor demonstrations of coiling technique and then you will experiment with these processes to construct your own bowls and sculptures
* Explore a project of your own with a focus on vessels or more sculptural forms as you are challenged to create shapes which harness continuous curves and sharp changes of direction
* Refine forms as they firm up using metal shims and wooden paddles
* Process for firing of work explained
* Optional - apply coloured slips and experiment with textured surface treatments to complete the work to the green ware stage ready for bisque firing
* Please note that fired work can be uplifted from the ceramics room approximately three weeks after the finish of the class


* Gain insight and a working knowledge of hand-building clay vessels and forms using the coiling technique
* Understand how clay behaves at different states as it transitions from being a wet dough to a firm and dry form ready to be fired in the kiln
* Explanation of the firing process to bisque stage and how this alters the clay
* Create vessels and/or forms which evidence your acquisition of hand-building skills


* A set of vessels and/or sculptural forms
* Creativity Projects you will be able to work towards include but are not limited to - Level 4 - CP1 Investigate, CP2 Present, CP3 Examine, CP4 Explore Level 5 - CP1 Challenge, CP2 Synthesise, CP3 Apply, CP4 Identify Patterns Level 6 - CP1 Initiate, CP2 Analyse Patterns, CP3

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Class Type: Block Week
Tutor: Mel Ford
  • Every Block Week One ( - )
  • 9:30am - 4:30pm
  • Materials cost: $35 includes 4 kg of clay and firing. Extra clay can be purchased from the school. Maximum amount for this class is 8 kg.
    Casual Students: $450.00 + materials
  • Hot Arts 2 – Ceramics / Wax
  • 10 (Max number of students)
Required Materials:
4 kg clay