Come and play with paint! We'll explore different types of paint and painting techniques in this hands-on class. You’ll learn essential skills such as choosing a subject, preparing a paint surface, composition, perspective and using painting mediums. We'll work with different types of paints, including acrylics, gouache and we're open to investigating other types of paint too.
Your Toi Kaiako will guide you through various styles of painting, Whether you prefer a loose, expressive style or detailed, realistic work, this class supports your unique approach. You can choose to paint intuitively with minimal planning or take a step-by-step, structured approach to your creations. The focus is on building your confidence and skills while encouraging your personal artistic journey. Experienced painters are welcome to work on their own projects with advice and demonstrations given as needed.
One of the most challenging aspects of painting is knowing when and how to finish your work. Your tutor will provide guidance to help you resolve and refine your pieces, ensuring they reflect your creative intentions.
By the end of the class, you’ll have a deeper understanding of what paint can do and be on your way to finding your personal style. Join us and unlock the endless possibilities of painting!
Please note: only solvent-free paints and mediums can be used in our studios